Sunday, March 10, 2013

Over the weekend

It seems to me like the past few weeks have flown past really fast! i can hardly believe it is march 10. Hopefully the summer will be here before we know it, because i am done with this stupid snow. ok it looks good and all. and it is fun for a little while, but every time i hear the word "snow" now,  i swear i hear parking tickets or car towed.We must have had at least 7 parking tickets just this winter.lame!

Anyways, the weather was nice on saturday so we spent the afternoon in Boston. we had lunch at Four Burgers and did some shopping/walking around. Mathieu loves being out, so after being inside for 3 days straight he was soooo haaappy. i also cooked an Amazing soup {which i will share with you in a separate post because it deserves it} and some orange and yogurt parfaits with red wine caramel {you can see the photos below} that were not very good to be truthful. they might have turned strange because i used Bordeaux instead of Syrah wine {i used whatever i had at home}. Oh well! i will still give it another try though.

and let's move on to sunday so you guys can know the WHOLE STORY.

Jeremy and Mathieu spent the afternoon at his parents house so i got to be truly alone. it was awesome! i got to rearrange my closet, do my nails, take a long shower {that involves: hair mask, face mask and the whole shebang} and even stumble upon a letter that i wrote to my dad. i was probably 7 or 8 years old. Hilarious! 

The point is after all that, i kept thinking about much i was missing my boys.


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say 'hey' from one Bostonian mommy to another :). I accidentally stumbled upon your blog thru Top Mommy Blogs website and kinda hung around here for awhile going thru your posts. You've got a very pleasant thing going on here, with very real, engaging photography. Plus, I can't ever get enough of Boston :).
    Will definitely be stopping by again!

    1. Thanks Elena! I love your Blog too. You have a bunch of recipes that I would love to try and your munchkins are super cute! Let's keep in touch :-)
